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Order shipping

Unfortunately, if you already received a shipping confirmation it means your order has already left our warehouse and we can't change your address anymore.

Yes we will accommodate this change for you, please contact us using our contact form.

The shipping confirmation you received contains your tracking number. Check out the status of your order using this tracking number on the carrier website
Canada Post link.
Canpar link.
Other carriers ... Google link 😉

Shipping delays

Canada Post currently estimates 5–14 days for shipping.

Due to the current sanitary situation, all carriers are experiencing delays. As a result, the expected delivery date may change every day for up to 15 days.

We are very sorry for the long wait. If your tracking number hasn’t been updated for 15 days or more, please contact us using our contact form and we will do our best to help.

Due to the current sanitary situation, all carriers are experiencing delays. As a result, tracking numbers may show no movement for up to 15 days.

We are very sorry for the long wait. Please contact us using our contact form and we will do our best to help.

Something went wrong with my shipping or order

Please contact us using our contact form and we will assist you with that.

We are sorry to hear your order was damaged, we understand how frustrating that can be and we will assist you with that. Please contact us using our contact form including a picture of the damage(s) and your order number. Please submit this information within 30 days after receiving your order.

We are sorry to hear that you are missing some items in your order. Making sure orders are correct is definitely one of our top priorities but we are only humans after all and mistakes can happen. Please contact us using our contact form and we will correct that!

We are sorry to hear that and we understand how frustrating that can be. We will need to receive instructions from the publisher before sending any replacement part so please contact the publisher directly to let them know about the damage and we will go from there!

Your parcel might have been scanned as “delivered” when it was placed in the delivery truck. It’s on its way. If you don’t see it by the end of the day, check your mailbox. If the carrier couldn’t contact you, you’ll find a note instructing you to pick up your parcel at the nearest post office.

Pick & Pack Logistics

We are located somewhere at Mississauga, Ontario. However we don't offer any services from our warehouse so if you need to contact us please use our contact form.

Check out out social media and blog section to learn more about recent project we worked on!